Tuesday 3 December 2013


In the name of Allah The Most Beneficent The Most Merciful

My father was not rich. In fact he was quite poor. But he has a heart of gold. And I was only lucky enough to know him for just 3 years.

I do not have memories of my father like other people who are fortunate enough to have their fathers until they become adults. All I have in my memory of my father are like still pictures. Like photographs in an album.

However, there were two vivid "pictures" I distinctly remembered about him.

I remembered him playing his violin in front of our rented house in Penang. I was told by my mom that he was an avid musician. Loved music and sports too. Winning quite a few badminton tournaments in his hey days. He played other musical instruments like the piano, guitar, accordion...

When I was a kid, I found his two piece white suit buried somewhere underneath other old clothes. That was the suit he worn when he had a gig. I imagined him wearing the white suit which is starched and ironed immaculately... and playing the grand piano on a grand ship. How I wish I could hear him play.

Unfortunately being a musician could not bring enough money to support his big family. There were eleven of us. So he had to work hard in the docks, under the sweltering heat to feed us. He cycled almost 10 km a day to his workplace and another 10km to get home. His skin sun burnt. His face gaunt.

Yet my mother told me if he came back from work and found one of us sick, he would immediately take us to see the doctor. I could imagined how exhausted he was but I guess a father's love knows no boundaries. Love can overcome even exhaustion.    

Sadly...the other "picture" I remembered of him was on the day of his death. I remembered him lying there...in my grandmother's house, like he was sleeping...with a faint smile on his lips. I remembered my five year old sister crying uncontrollably ( which is strange because she said she didn't remember anything) . She was my father's favourite daughter. And my brother playing marbles under our stilt house...oblivious to the  surroundings.

So every time I return to my place of birth , Penang...I would imagine seeing my father in every nook and corner of the island. At the docks, at Padang Kota Lama, at the old mosque, at the village, at the Kopitiam, even imagining seeing him on the streets  cycling to go back home from work.

 Even when we had moved out from Penang and in my adolescent years,I used to go back to my kampong, I was amused when the villagers used to stop me and asked.."Anak Pak Haroon?" (Are you Haroon's daughter?) even years after my father passed away. He must be very famous! He must have done something really good...for people to still remember him.

Wednesday 13 November 2013


In the name of Allah The Most Beneficent The Most Merciful

Yes...It is true. This is the answer to a question a sister posed.

The question was...

Why do we feel that $50 worth so much  when we want to give sadaqa in a mosque and if we want to give, it is with a heavy heart? 
But the same amount of money of $50 feel so small when we want to spend in a shopping mall?

What's wrong with us?

The problem is... we are materialistic. We can only see that our money and our wealth can buy worldly goods. And it is never enough...

Yet at the same time...if we give sadaqa, we feel like we are losing and not gaining anything.
Because we cannot see what we are gaining through our eyes. We become blind and we are blind.

The truth is...sadaqa does not decrease our wealth instead it increases it.

Believe this...for every cent we spent in sadaqa, Allah will reward us bountiful more not just in this world but in the hereafter.

So...if you just happen to have that $50 in your pocket, why don't you put the money in the donation box in your local mosque instead of spending it in the mall.

You will get back a lot more....

Thursday 31 October 2013


May peace be upon you

A father was concerned about his son who has an anger management problem. The son got angry almost everyday. He will  shout profanities to anyone in front of him.

One day, the father said to his son, "Son, every time you feel anger welled up, go to the barn. Take with you a hammer and some nails."

"Then drive in the nails using the hammer until you feel satisfied."

So...every time the son feels angry, he takes the hammer and drives in the nails on the walls of the barn.

After one month, the father said to the son, "This time..pull out all the nails..."

Even though he felt peculiar, he just followed his father's instruction.

"What can you see on the walls, son."

"The walls are full of holes and they look rather ugly."

"Son..what you see is the effect of anger. When you get angry at someone you will not only hurt them but yourself. They might forgive you but the hurt might not go away. The wounds you inflicted on them might heal, but the scars may stay forever. And you also hurt yourself by becoming a bitter and unhappy person."

Anger can consume a man just like fire.

May Allah bless us with patience and calmness.

Tuesday 29 October 2013


In the name of Allah The Most Beneficent The Most Merciful

Sometimes I wonder why do we worry about the future. The fact is we  cannot predict the future. Que sera...sera...whatever will be, will be, the future is not ours to see...

I used to sing that song over and over again when I was kid. But...I really didn't even understand what it means.

 We really do not know what the future holds for us. So, why do we worry?

I am a pathetic worrier...I wish I'm a warrior instead. But I'm not. I was preoccupied worrying about so many things and so many reasons. Then I realized that most of the things that I worried about didn't happen.

So...I just wasted a lot of my precious time worrying about nothing. I am still a worrier..a bit. Just can't help it...a habit if you like.

The truth of the matter is...the most important thing that we have to worry is ....now.

The key to the future is...now.

What we decide, what we do NOW affects the future. So the thing that really matter is the people and the the problems we are facing at present.

Don't worry about the future...it has already been decided today.

Wednesday 9 October 2013


In the name Allah The Most Benificent The Most Merciful

Once,  a large consignment of wine was being brought on a ship for a despotic king who was notorious for his tyranny. A pious man who happened to travel by that ship broke all the bottles or casks of wine except one. Nobody could stop him.

Everybody wondered how he dared to do this for nobody had the courage to face the cruelty of the king.

When the king was informed about it, he was surprised to learn that an ordinary man had the audacity to do all that . He also wondered why he left one cask intact.

The man was captured and interrogated. He said, "My conscience had urged me to do this, you may punish me as you like."

He was then asked why one cask was left unbroken?

He replied,"At first I broke the casks of wine out of my religious sentiments, but when only one was left....my heart felt elated. I then felt that breaking this last cask would be for the satisfaction of my ego. I, therefore, did not break it."

Finding him selfless in what he did, the king ordered his release.

To do good deeds you need 'Ikhlas'. It requires words, thoughts and deeds that should be compatible...
only for the pleasure of Allah s.w.t alone. Thus, we must constantly looked inside our heart whether our deeds are indeed because of Allah or because of our desire for worldly things.

Tuesday 24 September 2013


May peace be upon you.

I've been wrapped up doing translation which seems to be an endless effort. It gives 'Lost in Translation' a whole new meaning to me.

You know guys..sometimes even a mundane and boring work can be rewarding. It's how you look at it.

So today I decided I want to be happy.

 No matter how much work we have, how much problems burden us, how things don't go our way. Decide to be happy! Most importantly make someone happy today.

Buy a cup tea/coffee for a stranger, give a bouquet of flowers to your wife, give hugs to your friends, and to the old lady that pass by your house every morning...just give her a smile and say hello.

Giving doesn't need to be monetary. Giving is actually happiness.

Monday 9 September 2013



May Peace be upon you.

It's the fruit season in Malaysia. Durians, rambutans, mangosteens can be seen almost everywhere especially sold by the roadside.

When I was a kid my family and I will usually spend our school holidays in my kampong (village).
The name of my kampong is appropriately known as Kampong Seronok. Directly translated 'Seronok' means Fun.

My kampong is in fact a really fun place to be. Well, when i was kid anyway. We didn't have to buy these exotic fruits. They were free. The only thing is you have to go and find them.

My late aunt lived in our old ancestral home. At that time, there was no electricity, no gas stove and the bathroom was outside the house. We went to sleep early since there was not much you can do without electric lights. But the nights were filled with my aunt's bedtime stories.

                       This is not my real ancestral house...but you get the idea how it looks like so many, many years ago. Now it is a brick house.

She would tell me a whole chests of stories which I would treasure for the rest of my life.

During the durian season, I would follow my aunt to the fruit orchard before dawn, when it was still dark, searching for the beautiful, pungent fruits. To people who do not know... you cannot pluck durians. You have to wait for them to fall on their own sweet time.

And why do we have to find them so early in the morning...? Simply because, any later, all the fruits would be missing. Durians are prized fruits, known as the king of the fruits, they could fetch quite a handsome sum of money.

Armed with just a torchlight, we would search for the fruits on the grounds under the durian trees. My aunt would say, "If you want to find durians, follow your nose not your eyes."


To me durians have a lovely,unique smell but to some especially foreigners, the smell is so strong that they even describe them having the same smell of a sewage?!

Another fruit that perhaps the young generation would not know is 'keriang'. A boy in my kampong would invite me to join his 'gang' to find this fruit.

 We had to go across the cemetery grounds where my dad was laid to rest. and climbed the hill and at the edge of the jungle we could find the 'Keriang' trees. I have no idea whether somebody planted them or they were wild fruit trees.

The fruits are deep purple in colour and if you're eating them, make sure you're not wearing a white shirt because the stain will stay forever...

                                              KERIANG/ KERIAN FRUITS

The Keriang fruits taste sour yet slightly sweet and bitter. Well... I had a great time finding them with my friends. This fruit is not popular nowdays, perhaps unknown to many youngsters today. What a pity because it is such an exciting, beautiful fruit with  a real exotic taste.


Thursday 5 September 2013


May peace be upon you.

Late one night, a man came home from a long tiring night working. When he arrived home the only thing on his mind was to rest and go to sleep before he started work all over again tomorrow morrning.

But to his dismay, he found his young son not asleep yet. He scolded his son and told him to go to bed.

Instead the boy asked him,

"How much do you make per hour, dad ?"

The question made the man angry.

"What? Non of your business, son."

"Oh! Come on dad, please tell me...how much do your boss pay you for one hour?"

Tired and thinking that his son will get off his back if he answered  the question,

"$100 an hour. Are you satisfied!?"

"May I borrow $50. I pay you back when I have the money."

The man was furious.

"You have the nerve to ask me for money! Do you know how hard I have to work everyday to earn that money? And you're going to use that money on some useless things. You go to bed right now, young man!" Ordered the man angrily.

The young boy marched to his bedroom gloomily.

After some time, after his anger subsided, the man started to think, and said to himself,
"What on earth does a small kid like him want that kind of money? There must be something more to this.."

So he decided to go and ask his son,

"Son, are you still awake?"


"I'm sorry I scolded you just now. Here's the $50. What do you want to do with the money?"

Gratefully the boy accepted the money and almost at the same time he took a few crumpled dollars under his pillow.

When his father saw this, he started to get angry again because he thought he was right that the boy just wanted to buy some useless expensive toy but before he can say anything, the boy said,

"All this money is for you, dad." He handed all the money to his father.

"Why? What for?" said his father bewildered.

"I would like to pay for one hour's of your time, dad so you could spend that time with me. I really miss you dad..."

The man hugged his young son with tears welled up in his eyes and just realized he was too busy with his work that he forgot the most precious thing in his life.....

Thursday 29 August 2013


May peace be upon you.

Tomorrow MALAYSIA will be celebrating her 56th Independence Day. If she is human, she probably have a few grandchildren...

But most importantly...she is definitely matured and learned a lot through life experiences.

We live in a country where we have different races, religions and cultures. Malays, Indians, Chinese, Kadazans, Iban, Murut, Bidayuh.....

However... our differences are in fact our strength and not our weaknesses.

Let us respect each other...live together...help one another...so we can build a great nation.




Monday 26 August 2013


May peace be upon you.

One day two good friends find themselves having to say goodbye. One of them, T had to go abroad to further her studies. Her friend,N, lived quite far away. So to make sure, N, came to see her at the airport, she gave her some transport money.

However on the day she supposed to leave, she waited and waited for her friend at the airport but was disappointed. Her friend never turned up. She was terribly sad because she thought her friend didn't care.

She went abroad and they lost contact for more than 20 years.

For so many years, N tried to find T and finally she did find her. T was surprised yet touched when N explained to her the reason she didn't go to the airport more than 20 years ago.. Tears rolled down their cheeks.

"I didn't go because I didn't want to say goodbye. I'm sorry I  didn't tell you earlier... I used the money you gave me to buy a cardigan.  Every time I feel cold, I will put it on so that it will remind me the warmth of your love and your friendship...."

Thursday 22 August 2013


Dengan nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang.

Di negara-negara luar rakyatnya mati kerana peperangan atau tidak cukup makan. Di Malaysia, rakyat mati kerana kemalangan jalanraya yang boleh dielakkan dan kerana terlebih makan yang juga boleh dielakkan.

Kemalangan ngeri di Genting Highlands bukanlah yang pertama malah kemalangan begini berlaku setiap tahun di Malaysia

Di dada akhbar diberitakan, Pak Menteri berkata jangan menunding jari...Huh? Patut lah kemalangan begini asyik berulang lagi dan lagi.

Soalnya jika malapetaka seperti ini terjadi, kita mesti cari sebabnya, puncanya.. kerana sesuatu kemalangan berlaku selalunya bukan kerana satu sebab tetapi beberapa sebab. Selepas itu, barulah kita akan dapat mencari cara-cara mengatasinya.

Pemandu-pemandu bas selalu menyalahkan brek tidak makan. Saya masih ingat lagi satu kemalangan di Gombak di mana sebuah bas dari Genting Highlands melanggar dari belakang sebuah kereta yang berhenti di simpang lampu isyarat. Kereta itu burst into flames dan kesemua pemandu dan penumpang kereta mati hangus. Kes masuk mahkamah dan surprise! surprise! pemandunya terlepas atas alasan... brek rosak.

Persoalannya... bukankah  pemandu dan majikannya mempunyai duty of care , kewajipan untuk memastikan bas dalam keadaan yang baik sebelum perjalanan. Kes begini berulang beberapa kali dan selalunya pemandu dan pemilik bas akan terlepas. Menghairankan...

Semua rakyat Malaysia tahu hakikat ini... hampir semua pemandu bas di Malaysia memandu bas seperti mereka memandu kereta F1. Yang peliknya kita amat jarang melihat bas2 ini ditahan polis.

  Lack of enforcement amat ketara di Malaysia menyebabkan pemandu2 yang tidak bertanggunjawb ini bermaharajalela. Saya masih ingat lagi semasa saya pergi on tour ke Eropah dengan menaiki bas persiaran, tiap-tiap 2 jam pemandu bas mesti berhenti berehat dan tiap-tiap kali dia berhenti ada sahaja polis yang datang memeriksa log book pemandu untk memastikan dia mengikut undang2.

 Di Jerman, kami di berhentikan di lebuhraya beberapa kali
oleh polis peronda semata-mata untuk memastikan pemandu mengikut peraturan. Polis peronda lebuhraya  mereka menaiki kereta Porsche lagi...

Di UK semasa menaiki bas dari Birmingham ke Heathrow Airport, saya rasa seperti floating atas kapas tetapi bila saya naik bas di Malaysia seperti naik roller-coaster. Kalaulah pemandu Malaysia boleh berubah sikap, alangkah amannya jalanraya di Malaysia.
Saya harap dari kejadian kemalangan ngeri ini, pihak berkuasa akan mengambil langkah2 yang tegas dan tepat agar malapetaka buatan manusia ini tidak berlaku lagi atau sekurang2nya dapat dikurangkan.

Takziah diucapkan kepada keluarga mangsa.


Tuesday 20 August 2013



America (The American Civil War), Japan (World War ll), South Korea (the Korean War)



Monday 19 August 2013


Rumah kosong ini...

pernah penuh dengan tawa
pernah penuh dengan tangis
pernah penuh dengan kata-kata..
pernah penuh dengan cinta.


Rumah kosong ini...
Penuh meruak sepi
penuh meruak sunyi
penuh meruak tanpa isi.

Kau terasa tertinggal dan ditinggal.
Namun hakiki...
insan itu tidak pernah sendiri
Bukankah Ilahi ada di sisi
Tidak meninggalkan diri
Senantiasa menerima hambaNya
walaupun berlumuran dosa....

Wednesday 14 August 2013


These pictures were taken on Eid day taken superbly by my niece, Nani. It captures the true friendship of two cousins, Ali and my son, Amir.

We enjoyed our Eid together with our beloved family, Alhamdulillah. Hei..and our family was featured live on MHI TV3 on the second day of Eid! Not many families can top that....

Hope everyone had a joyous Eid and may Allah accept our 'amal during Ramadhan..


Wednesday 31 July 2013


Dengan nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang.

Sebulan sebelum Ramadhan, seorang anak muda berketurunan Cina tiba-tiba menghampiri suamiku di sebuah surau di kawasan perumahan kami. Dia menghampiri suamiku kerana disangka suamiku  seorang mualaf ,  wajah suamiku seperti seorang Cina. [Ya lah ibunya memang berketurunan Cina]

Dia menceritakan dia baharu sebulan memeluk agama Islam. Ibunya telah meninggal dunia sejak kecil lagi dan dia tinggal dengan ayahnya seorang Along [peminjam wang] di sebuah banglo berdekatan. Datuknya pula seorang paderi Kristian. Dia mempunyai dua orang abang dan kedua-dua abangnya telah memeluk Islam beberapa tahun yang lalu. SubhanaAllah ! Seorang abangnya tinggal di Kelantan dan seorang lagi menuntut di Mesir dalam pengajian Islam.

Dia bercerita lagi yang dia tidak tenang hidup dengan ayahnya  Perangai buruk ayahnya yang selalu mabuk dan membawa perempuan ke rumah amat tidak di senanginya. Kadang-kadang dia terdengar teriakn orang meminta tolong. Hidupnya terasa terhimpit walaupun di kelilingi dengan kemewahan. Abang-abangnya  masih menghubungi dan merekalah yang berdakwah kepadanya tentang Islam. Namun mereka terlampau takut untuk datang mengambilnya hatta ayahnya seorang samseng kaki pukul yang mempunyai ramai orang suruhan. Oleh itu dia bertekad ke JAWI dan memeluk Islam di sana. Dia begitu yakin hanya Islam dapat menyelamatkannya.

Pada ketika itu dia seorang pelajar tahun akhir di sebuah universiti di Kuala Lumpur. Apabila ayahnya mendapat tahu yang dia telah memeluk agama Islam, ayahnya begitu marah sekali. Ayahnya berusaha untuk menghalang dia dari meneruskan perjalanan sucinya itu. Semasa dia pulang dari kelas, ayahnya telah menghantar beberapa orang suruhannya untuk menangkapnya. Kemudian dia telah dikurung di dalam biliknya. Ayahnya telah merampas kad pengenalan dan telefon bimbitnya supaya dia tidak lari dari rumah. Yuran peperiksaan tahun akhirnya juga tidak dibayar.

Akhirnya dia dapat melepaskan diri semasa ayahnya tiada di rumah dan bersembunyi di surau di kawasan perumahan kami. Dia lari dengan hanya sehelai sepinggang. Disitulah dia bertemu suamiku dan menceritakan segala masalahnya.  Dia memilih surau kami kerana ia agak tersembunyi dari pandangan orang ramai. Katanya kalau di masjid berdekatan dia pasti ayahnya menghantar  konco2nya yang beragama Islam untuk menangkapnya. 

Alhamdulillah dengan pertolongan ahli qariah surau, mereka memberi bantuan pakaian, wang dan keperluan lain dan juga seorang sahabat yang pemurah telah melunaskan yuran peperiksaannya. Akhirnya dia dapat menduduki peperiksaan akhir dan kini bekerja di Johor Bharu.

Kami agak bimbang bagaimana dia dapt menjalani ibadah puasa buat kali pertama. Katanya abangnya yang di Mesir akan pulang ke tanahair kerana menjadi imam jemputan di salah satu masjid di Damansara. Dia akan bertemu abangnya nanti.

Begitulah kisah seorang mualaf muda yang mempunyai semangat yang begitu kental yang sanggup meninggalkan kemewahan dan keluarganya demi Islam. Renungan terutama untuk diri sendiri sanggupkah kita berkorban begitu sekali? Kita yang dilahirkan Islam sendiri tidak mensyukuri nikmat dilahirkan sebagai seorang Islam.

Sesungguhnya nikmat yang paling berharga yang Allah swt anugerahkan kepada kita di dunia ini adalah kita dijadikan sebagai seorang muslim. Semoga Allah sentiasa memberi hidayah dan perlindunganNya kepada anak muda ini. Aameen....


Sunday 28 July 2013


In the name of Allah The Most Merciful The Most Benificent

If you're having a baby, would you consider to have your baby at home? But without any assistance from a midwife or even your mother. Just you and your husband.

Some would say it is foolhardy but some would say it is brave. I would say it is FANTASTIC!

This is what my niece, Maisarah and her husband, Abdul Ghani planned for their second baby. Having their baby born at their own home.

She just gave birth to a healthy baby girl 8 days ago at her home with only the help from her loving husband. Wow! Can you believe it. I have 5 children and I don;t think I'm that brave enough.

Ghani's face lit up when he told us, about his experience in detail.  I was flabbergasted at first but then feel so happy for them. Not many husbands can share this monumental experience.

To some who might freak out when reading this [especially the husbands],,,.of course they went through a thorough training with an experienced and knowledgeable trainer before delivering their baby. Fortunately, the labor was not long and Ghani successfully delivered their beautiful second baby and cut the umbilical chord without a hitch.

I know many doctors or midwives would not agree to this method, but this is to show that delivering a baby is a natural process. In addition, the parents have the freedom of control in the birth instead of being controlled by the hospital, doctors and nurses' regulations which I personally  dislike when I was in labor. No need for drugs or painkillers which might affect the baby. Plus it's free!

A word of advice please do not attempt this if your wife is suffering from some sort of illnesses like high blood pressure or diabetes or the unborn baby has some health issues. If you and your wife are super healthy, why not, go ahead.. well... if you're brave enough.

Congratulations you guys! Good job Ghani and Maisarah. This is an experience that you guys and your family will treasure for the rest of your life...

Tuesday 23 July 2013


May peace be upon you.

 An experienced teacher was elated that he was promoted as a principal of a school. His joy however, was short-lived after he found out that he would be posted to the remotest school in his country. The school is for the 'orang asli'  children living in several small villages in the jungle.

The school is so remote that there isn't any proper roads leading there. You need to ride on a scrambler motorbike in order to reach the school because the only road there  is a mud track .

It was hard for him the first time. He had to leave his family behind since there was no proper accommodation for them. And when he rode the scrambler which he was unaccustomed to, he fell and had mud all over him.

At last after 4 arduous hours he reached the school. The school is surrounded with dense jungle but to his relieved it was a proper school with concrete one storey buildings and running water. But... no electricity.

So when he entered the school compound, where the teachers, the students and their parents were waiting, he looked like a...well...someone who just went through a mud bath. They were all staring at him.

A boy said to his mother, "He looks like a water buffalo!" There was silence.

Suddenly there was a laugh. The new headmaster  broke into laughter. "Yes, you're right. I do look like a water buffalo." And everybody there joined him laughing. That incident broke the ice.

The community welcomed him and they knew from that moment, he was the one. He is the one who is going to change the school's future.

The school had only six classes from year 1 to year 6. There were only 9 to10 students in one class and only 6 teachers including him. The passing rate is 0% and during the 'petai' and 'durian' seasons, the students will mysteriously disappeared. He soon learned that they will go into the jungle with their parents to find these favourite  delicacies. Petai and durians are very much sought after in Malaysia so they fetch quite a handsome sum of profit.



Therefore, he knew he had a long way to go in order to improve the students' achievements and the school as a whole. He knew in a remote place like this he had to reach out to the community to help him.

He began his approach by learning the community's culture and language. For example, he found out that they don't cane their children so he instructed all the teachers never to met out corporal punishment against the students. Any teacher who failed to follow this, will be transferred.

He respected the Orang Asli's tradition and in return they gave full co-operation to him. Student's attendance improved and their grades started to get better.

He also treated the other teachers as his family. Looking after them just like they were his brothers and sisters. The teachers in turn look after the students like their own children.

Somehow he managed to get electricity to the school so the students who lived in the school's hostel can study and do their homework at night.

With all of them working together and with full determination, soon the school became the best rural school in the country.

Life is a bit like a durian, it is thorny and so difficult to pry open and yet when you succeed, it is so sweet and delicious.

Friday 19 July 2013


May peace be upon you.

I would like to share an interesting story that was narrated to me by a friend, Farzana. Funny but wirh a beautiful lesson.

A couple was sitting in their kitchen having breakfast. Through the kitchen window, the wife was observing their neighbour's laundry being hung outside.

"I don't think our neighbour know how to wash their clothes properly. They don't look very clean to me. Perhaps they used the wrong detergent." The wife said.

But the husband kept quiet, sipping slowly his coffee.

The next day, the same thing happen again. The wife commented that their neighbour still do not know how to clean their laundry. And still the husband kept quiet.

This went on for a few days until one day the wife cried, "Ahh... they finally knew how to wash their clothes properly! Look... their laundry is so clean."

The husband who has kept quiet all this time suddenly spoke,
"I cleaned our kitchen's window this morning, it was dirty."

Unfortunately, many of us.. well... most of us can easily identify the mistakes and weaknesses of other people but fail to see our own mistakes, our own weaknesses. We criticize, we condemn and belittle people for their shortcomings and yet blind to see our own faults.

Perhaps next time we should see people through a clean window....

Wednesday 17 July 2013


May peace be upon you.

Two siblings only two years apart. The younger died earlier in his 40s of a heart attack while the older one survived until his 80s. They ate the same food and more or less had the same lifestyle. So why?

 The only difference between them is that the older brother has a sunnier disposition i.e he is happier while his younger brother was always anxious and depressed.

 A research done by John Hopkins University School of Medicine and published in the American Journal of Cardiology stated," If you are by nature a cheerful person and look on the bright side of life, you are more likely to be protected from cardiac events.'

 The research further stated even though  happy people still do have many risk factors for coronary disease, they had fewer serious heart events.

Therefore....always look at the bright side of life. Be positive. When was the last time we had a problem? We can hardly remember it? Because it was always resolved and there is always a way to overcome our problem.

 If we are facing a predicament today,  there is a solution to it. It only needs time, patience and some effort.

SO...DON'T WORRY BE HAPPY! It might save your life.



Wednesday 10 July 2013


In the name of Allah The Most Merciful, The Most Beneficent

One day an ant was stuck on a tree. He held firmly to the tree because down below was a river.

The naughty wind wanted to make the ant fall. So, it blew as hard as it could. But the stronger the wind blew, the firmer the ant held on to the tree. He just won't budge.

Now the wind is not happy. Why can't I knock down a tiny ant with my mighty strength?

Then the wind got an idea.What if I used a softer and gentler wind?

Thus the wind started to blow gently towards the tree. The tree started to rock gently to and fro. This made the ant sleepy as the wind lull the ant to sleep.

And... fast asleep the ant let go of his grip and fell into the river...

This story  of course is just an analogy and the moral of the story?

Well, we human beings when faced with a catastrophe for example an earthquake or a war, our faith becomes stronger. Or facing any predicament or difficulties, our faith becomes stronger than ever.

This strength however can be defeated so easily. It is defeated when we are presented with worldly pleasures.

Pleasures of the world lull us to sleep and let  us slip away from our faith.

This is well known to our enemy, the Satan and its cohorts. Hence it uses money, alcohol, drugs, sex and etc. that attracted our desire to corrupt us... to make us fall.

Even watching television, surfing the internet, chatting and playing online or electronic games EXCESSIVELY  can easily lure us from remembrance of Allah. 

And when we fall...we won't just fall into a river......

So be aware, always put our guard up, don't waste our precious time... especially in this blessed month of  Ramadhan.

Monday 8 July 2013


                            Ramadhan Moon by Yusuf Islam and friends

In the name of Allah the Most Merciful, the Most Beneficent

On the last day of Sha'ban, the Messenger of Allah (saw) addressed us and said "O people, there comes upon you now a great month, a most blessed month, in which lies a night greater in worth than one thousand months..."

The first part of Ramadhan is the period of mercy, whereby it is meant that Allah's mercy is showered.

The middle part of Ramadhan is the period when forgiveness is granted as a reward for the fasting.

The last part of Ramadhan brings immunity from Jahannam.

Whosoever feeds the hungry, clothes the poor and grants refuge to the traveler, he or she will be saved on the day of Judgement.

It is a month of giving, a month of forgiveness and a month of patience and to show kindness to all creatures of God.

Brothers and sisters in Islam, please remember our brothers and sisters in Syria, Palestine and in Mesir/Egypt in your du'a throughout this blessed month.


Thursday 4 July 2013


                                       You and I by Irfan Makki

May peace be upon you

I found myself difficult to write sad things. Especially about wars.  The world had witnessed and still witnessing horrendous wars.

 When I was a kid, it was the Vietnam War. Malaysia also had its fair share of war. The Communist insurgent was war against Malaysia. I'm glad that was over. Then came the Afghanistan war, the Cold War, the Bosnian War and the list goes on and on...

Today it is in Syria and in Mesir/ Egypt it is looming.

Why do human beings like to fight? Why can't we sit down and talk? If they really want to fight, just fight one to one combat between the Generals or their champions or whatever as long as it does not involve women and children and the weak.

My heart breaks into pieces when I see children maimed or killed in this ruthless war. Are their tears and blood  so cheap? Are they just collateral damages? There must be an International convention for women, children and the weak to be  be allowed to leave the country before or when the war erupted.

I was a volunteer in a Bosnian Refugee camp [not exactly a camp more like a building converted into a temporary shelter] during the Bosnian War. It was sad to see women and children who had to flee from their own country and live in a place with just basic amenities.

The thing that touched my heart when I was at the camp was, even in their dire straits, these women who had lost their property and perhaps their family... offered me a bag of their coffee beans. It seemed those beans meant a lot to them and they wanted to share it with me. Words could not describe how I felt at that moment.

I learned that humanities will not die even in a terrible, troubled situation. LOVE WILL PREVAIL.

Wednesday 3 July 2013


Assalamu'alaikum wrt dan selamat sejahtera

 Seorang kawan saya pernah menceritakan kepada saya satu kisah lucu tetapi mempunyai teladan.

Suatu hari dua orang pelajar Malaysia sedang menunggu bas di sebuah stesen bas di London.  Seorang wanita 'Mat Saleh' yang berbadan gempal datang dan duduk berdekatan dengan mereka.

Pelajar2 lelaki ini pun mula mempersendakan wanita ini dalam Bahasa Melayu.  Mereka memanggilnya antara lain sebagai 'badak'. Saya rasa ramai pelajar2 Malaysia yang menggunakan 'kelebihan' bahasa untuk mengutuk orang lain semasa di negara asing.

Tiba2 wanita 'mat saleh' itu bangun dan berkata, "Minta maaf , 'badak' ni nak tumpang lalu", di dalam bahasa Melayu yang fasih.

Terkejut katak la budak2 Malaysia tu. Rupa-rupanya wanita itu boleh memahami dan fasih berbahasa Melayu.

Oleh itu, pengajarannya janganlah kutuk orang dalam bahasa apa pun. Terlajak kata, tak boleh tarik balik. Kadang2 badan boleh binasa.

Gunalah bahasa untuk kebaikan bukan untuk menyakitkan hati orang lain.



Sunday 30 June 2013


Dengan nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang

Seorang ulamak tersohor iaitu hadrat Hasan Basri rahmatullahalaih  pernah menceritakan bahawa dia mengenali dua orang khalifah dalam hidupnya. Dua orang khalifah ini ternyata mempunyai pendapat yang berbeda dalam mendidik anak 2 mereka.

Seorang khalifah ini telah meninggalkan harta yang banyak kepada anak2nya selepas kematiannya namun seorang khalifah lagi tidak meninggalkan apa-apa harta pun kepada anak2nya kecuali beberapa dirham sahaja.

Beliau kemudian memerhatikan kehidupan anak2 kedua2 khalifah ini selepas beberapa tahun. Didapatinya anak2 khalifah yang dianugerahkan harta kekayaan itu sedang meminta-minta kepada orang ramai.

Apabila dia mencari pula anak2 khalifah yang tidak diberi harta, didapatinya mereka berada di masjid mengagihkan sedaqah kepada para fakir miskin.

Perkara ini tidak menghairankan beliau kerana khalifah yang tidak meninggalkan harta kepada anak2nya telah meninggalkan sesuatu yang jauh lebih berharga iaitu ILMU.

Seorang sahabat saya tidak bersetuju.... beliau merasakan bahawa kedua2nya penting. Apa pendapat anda?

Thursday 27 June 2013


May peace be upon you.

It is a bright sunny day today, Alhamduleelah. The rain came and like a mop, it wiped away all the haze, well almost all of it. I have never been happier hearing the thunder.

And we could actually see the blue sky for the first time in almost a week. I think everyone in Malaysia is relieved and thankful for the rain. We can breath clean air again!

However lessons must be learnt from this man-made pollution so that it won't happen again. I think we all have had enough of this ugly episode.

Tuesday 25 June 2013


May peace be upon you.

This is the scenery just outside my balcony about 11 am yesterday. The haze has enveloped a whole hill. Believe it or not, beyond that gloomy haze, nestled on the hill are huge buildings.

There are actually a condominium under construction, a few flats and townhouses on the hill. On normal days you could see them clearly.

As all Malaysians are waiting for the haze to end, I wonder why this is happening again and again every year. Why can't we stop it? It is not  a natural disaster, it is definitely man-made.

Many young children, the sick and the elderly are suffering. Even the fittest are feeling the heat.

Come on, I'm sure there is a way to overcome this annoying yet hazardous problem.

The capitalist i.e the polluters are making profit out of people's misery. Bring these companies who practice slash and burn to court and make them pay.  They will stop  because money is everything to them. 

 Save the environment. Save the future of our children and grandchildren. Let us pray and hope for  better days ahead....

Friday 21 June 2013


May peace be upon you.

A boy asked his father why the sky is blue. The father started to explain the scientific reasons behind it..the blue colour travels in shorter,smaller waves through the earth's atmosphere... bla..bla..bla...

No.. said the son. Why is it blue, not black not purple? Who chose the colour?

Hmm....my son, aren't we blessed to have the beautiful blue skies most of the time. Allah chose it as a blessings for us. If we lived on the moon, the sky is black. Just imagine night time 24 hours a day, year in, year out. When we see the blue sky it makes us feel peaceful and tranquil.

Sometimes, we take for granted the natural things around us without once thinking to be grateful
for Allah's blessings.

[Malaysia is having a haze problem blanketing the whole country at the moment. Hopefully, inshaAllah, the haze will go away and we will get back our beautiful blue, blue sky.]

The nasheed Blue Sky is by Brother Dawud Wharnsby.

Wednesday 19 June 2013


Dengan nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang

Suatu hari seorang lelaki melihat seorang sahabatnya murung lantas bertanya apa sebabnya.

"Aku berasa sangat sedih. Aku bekerja keras dari pagi hingga malam namun keluargaku tidak sedikit pun menghargai pengorbananku selama ini", jawab sahabatnya itu.

Lelaki yang prihatin itu menepuk bahu sahabatnya lembut,

di dalam pengorbanan tidak ada penghargaan...
Kalau ada perasaan untuk dihargai, maka itu BUKAN pengorbanan.
Erti pengorbanan adalah kita melakukan sesuatu untuk orang lain tanpa mengharap balasan apa2 pun daripada makhluk Allah.

Usahlah bersedih...
Bukankah Allah telah berjanji akan membalasi segala apa yang kita buat yang baik atau tidak walaupun sebesar sebiji benih sawi?

Percayalah jikalau kita ikhlas dalam pengorbanan, pasti kita diganjari...
Dan ganjaran Allah swt itu lebih mulia dan berharga."

Thursday 13 June 2013


In the name of Allah The Most Merciful The Most Beneficent

      Kaneez was a close friend of mine. She used to come to my rented house regularly when I was studying in Cardiff. She was doing her bachelor's degree majoring in history. She was bright and very observant. She was also born with a cleft palate. But that didn't stop her from pursuing her real ambition.

Since our house was near the university campus, it became something like a stop-over for other Malaysian students who lived a bit far away from campus, to pray and to have light refreshments. Somehow Kaneez who is British, fits in well with us.

We used to have countless English tea with her. Little that we knew, she was observing us, the way we drink, the way we talk. She would ask questions that we would have never thought of. For example, she asked why we like to leave the teaspoons in our mugs while we're drinking. Hmm... I really don't know why we do that. But I just realized we do have that habit. Come to think of it, it is probably sheer laziness on our part. So every time I drink tea with a teaspoon in my mug, I will always remember her.

The other question she posed that intrigued us was... when we speak English, do we think in English or our mother's tongue language i.e the Malay language? Another hmm... never thought of that at all. So I just realized that automatically I would think in English when I speak English but... if I'm stuck on a word I would think in Malay and then translate it in English.

I love being with her. She always had fresh ideas and a lot of determination. I was a bit surprised when she said she wanted to read law after getting her degree in History. She actually wanted to be a lawyer. With her cleft palate,I was initially sceptical. But, after seeing her undaunted by any negative views about her ambition, I was ashamed with my scepticism about her. I knew she could succeed in anything she wanted to do.

Unfortunately I lost contact with her. The last I heard about her was that she did succeed in becoming a barrister. I am so proud of you, my friend and I will always remember you especially when I have a teaspoon in my mug.

Tuesday 11 June 2013


May peace be upon you.

Mind-blowing experiment with chilled water and ice.

Science is amazing! Who says science is boring?  They should do this experiment in schools.

This the real water bending, Avatar fans! Imagine if we could do this experiment in a larger scale. Wow!

Monday 10 June 2013


 In the name of Allah the Most Merciful  the Most Beneficent

I really love this photograph of these two little friends. It captured the pure and simple love of two friends. It reminds me when we were young, when we had nothing, when friendship means real friendship, when your friend didn't even care if you have a dime or not.

The most important thing was that we're together and played together. The best days of our lives. When it rained we used the banana leaves as umbrellas. When it's hot, we ran and jumped into the village river. When we got hungry we just ate fruits from somebody's orchard or go to your house or mine and had rice and fried mackerel.Simple yet we felt it was the grandest meal.  Those were the days......

Thursday 6 June 2013


                Tanjung Bidara , Malacca

May peace be upon you

The best place to be during the school holidays.  The sand, the sun and the sea. Where everybody let their hair down. This is the place if at first you were reluctant, but when you are here, you will always glad you came. Well we had a whale of a time!

Just one thing I do not like whenever I go to the beach or river, the bad habit of Malaysians throwing rubbish anywhere they like. Every time we go there we will pick up rubbish left by these people. These people then stared at us as if we were being sarcastic. But I think deep in their hearts they have learnt something. I hope.

Anyway the warm sea still looks inviting...

                                         Port Dickson, Negri Sembilan

Tuesday 4 June 2013


May peace be upon you.

I lost a friend to cancer two days ago. I visited him a few weeks before his death. I haven't seen him more than 20 years and seeing him for the first time after all those years in a hospital bed felt awkward. He was surrounded by his family and friends. Obviously he was loved. I felt like a stranger.

After his funeral, my old friends and I had an informal reunion. We were from the same class in college. As we sat together in the dimly-lit restaurant eating 'murtabak', reminiscing our younger years and feeling blessed with our present life, I could not  help but look around....which one of us will be next?

Death seems to pick us one by one. Last year two of our colleagues passed away suddenly only months apart. I was in total shock when my first friend died. I thought she was too young to die. She was vibrant and jolly and the sweetest person you could ever meet. The reality is, death does not discriminate whether you're young or old, whether you're a nice person or not. 

Face it...everyone will die. Someday..somehow. The prophet Muhammad [peace be upon him] said the cleverest of men is the one who always remembers death. The reason is what Professor Morrie said in the book 'Tuesdays with Morrie' written by Mitch Albom "...To know you're going to die, and to be prepared  for it at any time...."

People who are prepared for death, will look at life differently. They will be more involved with their love ones, with life itself. They will try to do good deeds to everyone. They will feel blessed for everyday they wake up alive.

 As what Professor Morrie reminded us, "Once you learn how to die, you learn how to live".

Thursday 23 May 2013


                                 Illustrated by my eldest son Luqman Hakim 

In the name of God the Most Merciful The Most Beneficent

The garbage collector heard a faint little cry between the heaps of rubbish. At first he thought it was just the sound of a cat but it didn't feel right. He followed the sound. The cry became louder and louder. There on top of a garbage bag something he was afraid to find. A little baby...

The little baby boy born perhaps not less than a few hours looked so hapless. His umbilical cord still intact. What a place to be in the few hours of your life...thought the garbage collector. Why was your mummy so cruel or perhaps she was just a little girl scared just like you?

The police came and took the baby to the hospital. The nurse cleaned him, the doctor treated him and the welfare worker processed him. Then he was sent to an orphanage. The news about him found in the dumpsters went abuzz in the local newspaper for a few days. After that everyone forgot about him. It seemed the whole world had forgotten about him.

The boy grew from one orphanage into another. He went through a lot. He was abused and sexually abused. Sometimes he would cry himself to sleep. He soon realized that there was nobody to save him. He had to do something to change his life. He had to be his 'Superman'. He still had faith in God to guide him and to give him strength.

 Growing up in a difficult surroundings did not dampen his spirits. He was  not a bright student but he was a hardworking one. He didn't get to go to a university but he worked hard as a labourer. In time he saved enough money to open a small business.

Ironically, he was dumped in a dumpster but he also made his fortune from the dumpster. He is now a successful entrepreneur in the garbage recycling business. He is also a happy family man.

This is a true story of a little baby unloved yet growing up,  managed to claw his way up. Come hell or high water he was determined to go through the hardship and bitterness.  He never gave up hope  unlike his own mother, who gave up hope on him.

Tuesday 21 May 2013


Dengan nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang

Saya sangat suka mendengar lagu 'Flowers Are Red' nyanyian Dawud Wharnsby. Lagu asal dinyanyikan oleh Harry Chapin. Sebab... liriknya membuat kita berfikir, bertafakur...adakah cara kita mengajar anak kita membentuk mereka untuk berfikir?

Negara2 maju sudah lama tidak menggunakan buku2 teks. Kalau sesuatu kerja rumah diberikan, mereka terpaksa menggunakan akal kreativiti dan mencari dari pelbagai punca untuk mencari jawapannya.

Malang sekali di sekolah2 kita, buku2 teks masih di pakai guna. Selalunya kalau satu soalan diutarakan, hanya jawapan dalam buku teks itu sahaja yang betul. Betul ke macam tu? Sepatutnya buku2 teks ni dah lama dicampak buang.

Ianya hanya membuat guru2 dan anak2 tidak mahu dan tidak boleh berfikir di luar kotak..out of the box...Anak2 sepatutnya diberi kebebasan untuk berfikir ,,, mengenlpasti masalah dan mencari solusi masalah tanpa hanya berpandukan dari satu punca sahaja.

Dan... jawapan tak semestinya satu sahaja kerana...... FLOWERS ARE NOT JUST RED....

Saturday 18 May 2013


In the name of Allah The Most Merciful The Most Beneficent

One day a wise man met an atheist. The atheist argued about the Creator of the universe.

"There is no such thing as the Creator of the universe. It is only a figment of  human imagination"

The wise man kept quiet and just listened to the atheist ramblings on and on on how impossible the universe could be made by a higher being.

 "Give me a reason to believe that God made this universe" he said nonchalantly.

At last the wise man said, " wait for me tomorrow at the same time and the same place and I will tell you".

That night, there was a storm and the village where the wise man lived was flooded.

The atheist waited for the the wise man for a long time and at long last the wise man arrived.

"I'm sorry that I'm late but you know about the flood in my village. Fortunately, a tree fell down and then cut itself into a boat. Then I had to wait for the boat to come and fetch me so that I can come here" said the wise man seriously.

"What? You want me to believe that crazy story?! How could a tree cut by itself, made itself into a boat and sailed by itself . You must be mad!" shouted the atheist.

"Sooo...if you cannot believe that a single tree could not do all those things by itself, that it needs someone to make it,
Then WHY is it so difficult for you to believe  that this whole world and the big universe could never exist by itself that it has a Maker, its own Creator... Allah the Almighty."

Thursday 16 May 2013


Dengan nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang

Hari ini ialah Hari Guru untuk Malaysia. Di negara2  lain seperti di Amerika dipanggil Teacher's Appreciation Day. Rasanya hampir untuk semua orang hari2 persekolahanlah adalah hari2 paling gembira. Kadang kala ada juga hari2 yang menakutkan.

Saya ingat lagi semasa di darjah satu. Baru sahaja masuk sekolah beberapa minggu sudah kena dipanggil gurubesar. Gurubesar kami ialah seorang Sikh yang sangat tinggi. Kesnya saya dan kawan main di anak sungai yang berada di luar pagar sekolah yang memang dilarang keras.

Malangnya gurubesar sendiri nampak. Dia tidak lah menjerit marah pada kami, dia hanya memberi isyarat dengan jarinya supaya naik ke atas. Dengan baju sekolah yang basah kami pun naik [sekolah kami atas bukit], kami memang lah dah mengeletar kecut perut. Nak tengok dia pun kena melangut sebab dia tersangat lah tinggi. Masa tu rasa dia seperti Giant, Monster pun ada. Habislah kena marah. Yang kesiannya kakak saya yang masa tu darjah 4 pun turut kena marah sedangkan masa kami main tu dia ada kelas agama. Sori.. la Yati.

 Tetapi guru yang paling memberi impak besar kepada saya ialah seorang guru yang peliknya pernah menjadi guru sekolah rendah saya dan guru sekolah menengah saya. Dia coach pasukan hoki sekolah semasa saya di sekolah rendah dan di sekolah menengah. Saya bermain hoki daripada saya berumur 10 tahun sehingga tingkatan 5. Dia juga mengajar saya subjek Sejarah.

Bestnya cikgu ni dia seorang pendengar yang baik. Bila ada masalah apa saja boleh cerita kepadanya. Dia memberi saya harapan ketika saya rasa hidup ini nampak begitu sempit terutamanya di ketika usia remaja. Tahulah zaman remaja, 'blur era'. Dia juga memberi keyakinan untuk saya meneruskan cita2 sehingga berjaya masuk ke Law School di UK.

Kepada Cikgu Latifah,,, Berjuta2 terimakasih setulus dari hati. Semoga Allah memberkati jasa mu. Kepada semua guru yang membaca blog ini tidak kiralah yang sudah pencen atau belum, SELAMAT HARI GURU! 

Tuesday 14 May 2013


          Bukit Lagong River

May peace be upon you.

It was so hot and sticky the last few days. Yesterday it rained bringing much needed reprieve from the heat. My family went to Bukit Lagong River which is only 5 minutes drive from our home during the hot spells.

The water was cool and refreshing. The heat completely vanished once you dipped your feet in the water and when you completely immersed yourself in the water, it was simply divine.

There are other rivers with waterfalls near my house but this is the nearest. There are the Kancing River Forest Reserve which  is a 10 minute drive and the River Tua which is about 20 minutes away from my house. These rivers are much nicer [to some people], bigger and have more facilities than Bukit Lagong. But then you have to pay to get in.  Bukit Lagong - free.

If you live in and around KL, feel free to come.