Thursday 23 May 2013


                                 Illustrated by my eldest son Luqman Hakim 

In the name of God the Most Merciful The Most Beneficent

The garbage collector heard a faint little cry between the heaps of rubbish. At first he thought it was just the sound of a cat but it didn't feel right. He followed the sound. The cry became louder and louder. There on top of a garbage bag something he was afraid to find. A little baby...

The little baby boy born perhaps not less than a few hours looked so hapless. His umbilical cord still intact. What a place to be in the few hours of your life...thought the garbage collector. Why was your mummy so cruel or perhaps she was just a little girl scared just like you?

The police came and took the baby to the hospital. The nurse cleaned him, the doctor treated him and the welfare worker processed him. Then he was sent to an orphanage. The news about him found in the dumpsters went abuzz in the local newspaper for a few days. After that everyone forgot about him. It seemed the whole world had forgotten about him.

The boy grew from one orphanage into another. He went through a lot. He was abused and sexually abused. Sometimes he would cry himself to sleep. He soon realized that there was nobody to save him. He had to do something to change his life. He had to be his 'Superman'. He still had faith in God to guide him and to give him strength.

 Growing up in a difficult surroundings did not dampen his spirits. He was  not a bright student but he was a hardworking one. He didn't get to go to a university but he worked hard as a labourer. In time he saved enough money to open a small business.

Ironically, he was dumped in a dumpster but he also made his fortune from the dumpster. He is now a successful entrepreneur in the garbage recycling business. He is also a happy family man.

This is a true story of a little baby unloved yet growing up,  managed to claw his way up. Come hell or high water he was determined to go through the hardship and bitterness.  He never gave up hope  unlike his own mother, who gave up hope on him.

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