Sunday 28 July 2013


In the name of Allah The Most Merciful The Most Benificent

If you're having a baby, would you consider to have your baby at home? But without any assistance from a midwife or even your mother. Just you and your husband.

Some would say it is foolhardy but some would say it is brave. I would say it is FANTASTIC!

This is what my niece, Maisarah and her husband, Abdul Ghani planned for their second baby. Having their baby born at their own home.

She just gave birth to a healthy baby girl 8 days ago at her home with only the help from her loving husband. Wow! Can you believe it. I have 5 children and I don;t think I'm that brave enough.

Ghani's face lit up when he told us, about his experience in detail.  I was flabbergasted at first but then feel so happy for them. Not many husbands can share this monumental experience.

To some who might freak out when reading this [especially the husbands],,,.of course they went through a thorough training with an experienced and knowledgeable trainer before delivering their baby. Fortunately, the labor was not long and Ghani successfully delivered their beautiful second baby and cut the umbilical chord without a hitch.

I know many doctors or midwives would not agree to this method, but this is to show that delivering a baby is a natural process. In addition, the parents have the freedom of control in the birth instead of being controlled by the hospital, doctors and nurses' regulations which I personally  dislike when I was in labor. No need for drugs or painkillers which might affect the baby. Plus it's free!

A word of advice please do not attempt this if your wife is suffering from some sort of illnesses like high blood pressure or diabetes or the unborn baby has some health issues. If you and your wife are super healthy, why not, go ahead.. well... if you're brave enough.

Congratulations you guys! Good job Ghani and Maisarah. This is an experience that you guys and your family will treasure for the rest of your life...

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