Friday 21 June 2013


May peace be upon you.

A boy asked his father why the sky is blue. The father started to explain the scientific reasons behind it..the blue colour travels in shorter,smaller waves through the earth's atmosphere... bla..bla..bla...

No.. said the son. Why is it blue, not black not purple? Who chose the colour? son, aren't we blessed to have the beautiful blue skies most of the time. Allah chose it as a blessings for us. If we lived on the moon, the sky is black. Just imagine night time 24 hours a day, year in, year out. When we see the blue sky it makes us feel peaceful and tranquil.

Sometimes, we take for granted the natural things around us without once thinking to be grateful
for Allah's blessings.

[Malaysia is having a haze problem blanketing the whole country at the moment. Hopefully, inshaAllah, the haze will go away and we will get back our beautiful blue, blue sky.]

The nasheed Blue Sky is by Brother Dawud Wharnsby.

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