Saturday 18 May 2013


In the name of Allah The Most Merciful The Most Beneficent

One day a wise man met an atheist. The atheist argued about the Creator of the universe.

"There is no such thing as the Creator of the universe. It is only a figment of  human imagination"

The wise man kept quiet and just listened to the atheist ramblings on and on on how impossible the universe could be made by a higher being.

 "Give me a reason to believe that God made this universe" he said nonchalantly.

At last the wise man said, " wait for me tomorrow at the same time and the same place and I will tell you".

That night, there was a storm and the village where the wise man lived was flooded.

The atheist waited for the the wise man for a long time and at long last the wise man arrived.

"I'm sorry that I'm late but you know about the flood in my village. Fortunately, a tree fell down and then cut itself into a boat. Then I had to wait for the boat to come and fetch me so that I can come here" said the wise man seriously.

"What? You want me to believe that crazy story?! How could a tree cut by itself, made itself into a boat and sailed by itself . You must be mad!" shouted the atheist.

"Sooo...if you cannot believe that a single tree could not do all those things by itself, that it needs someone to make it,
Then WHY is it so difficult for you to believe  that this whole world and the big universe could never exist by itself that it has a Maker, its own Creator... Allah the Almighty."

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