Monday 18 March 2013


May peace be upon you.

One day a wife, a husband and their children were traveling in their car. They arrived at a stretch of a road, when  all of a sudden, a motorcyclist started to honk at them. He was trying to get their attention. The husband, who is the driver, immediately pulled over to the side of the busy road.

Apparently the man alleged that one of their car tyres was on fire! He said several other motorists were also honking at them. He also alleged they probably didn't hear the honking because the husband was speeding.

Surprise! surprise! the man knew of a good mechanic which happened to be nearby. Somehow, the husband believed the man. When the wife raised her suspicion, the husband said, "he doesn't look like a con-man.."

 His wife couldn't believe her ears! "How does a con man look like,... like Leonardo DiCaprio (remember he played the con man in the film 'Catch Me If You Can'), or they look ugly, like the Hulk?' (the green one not the WWE smackdown one but they do have similarities).

 The husband being the typical 'macho' man chose to brush aside her suspicion. He believed in a total stranger than his own wife. Unbelievable! The man said to follow him to his friend's garage which of course conveniently situated nearby. The man then went ahead.

The wife knew she had only 10 seconds to convince her husband that the man was a fraud. After all she was a lawyer by training. She put to him, a con is when what is alleged, does not corroborate with the facts.

 Firstly, no one in the car heard  all the alleged honks from the other motorists , except the ones from the man.

Secondly, no one in the car smelled anything burning. Burning tyres have disgusting smell which you just can't ignore. There was also no smoke at all.

Finally, you never ever speed. Buses and lorries go past us all the time.

Slowly within that 10 seconds, the husband came into his senses. They bade farewell to the con man who was waiting for them at the side of the road as they continue their journey. Checks afterwards revealed no tyres were on fire.

This is actually a true story. So be careful to all Malaysian motorists who pass along the road near the old Istana Negara.

Guys....have respect to your wife. Trust them more! After all they are the one who is gong to be your caregiver if you're sick. The one that gives you all the pills to make you better. So, you better trust them now...

I would like to wish all women in the world, HAPPY BELATED WOMEN'S DAY!

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