Monday 11 March 2013


                                              May peace be upon you


My mom has so many taboos that I could write a book on the subject. But, there is one taboo that drives me completely bonkers! 

A few days ago while my mom was having her breakfast, I opened the front door.
"Don't go out while I'm eating." she said firmly.
"I just want to fetch the newspaper, mom." I replied.

I was about to take the first step out when she said something that immediately stopped me on my tracks.
"If you go out... you won't be able to see me before I die!"
If you were in my shoes, would you take that first step out?

[My mom believes that if you leave the house whilst your relatives are having their meal, you might not be there for them just before their demise].

Now, my mom is 84 years old, with no teeth. No dentures. So..imagine how  long I have to wait for her to finish her breakfast.

It's okay mom, I can wait. I can always fetch today's newspaper together with tomorrow's newspaper edition...

I do not believe in the taboos but I do believe in respecting my mom's wishes. The taboos are sometimes illogical and definitely scientifically unproven. But sometimes they do send a message of love and caring.. somehow.

Most importantly, I DO LOVE YOU SO MUCH, 'MAK'!

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