Thursday 25 October 2012


Assalamualaikum wrt.

Awal pagi tadi saya bermimpi memeluk kakak2 saya yang kini menunaikan haji di Makkah. Lantas terbangun dan teringat hari ini sunat puasa 9 Zulhijjah. Sempat lah bersahur. Alhamdulillah.

        Hari ini merupakan hari kemenangan bagi mereka yang mengerjakan ibadah haji. Padang Arafah menjadi saksi pengorbanan mereka. Semoga K.Intan dan Ijah mendapat haji mabrur. Begitu juga seluruh umat Islam yang mengerjakan haji tahun ini.

         Saya ingin mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha kepada nuslimin dan muslimat dan SELAMAT BERKORBAN...

Tuesday 23 October 2012


May peace be upon you.

People here are still talking about the case of the two Indonesians brothers who were convicted of murder. To all of you who is not familiar with the case, the fact of the case  is -  the victim, a burglar, broke into the brothers' house. He crept through the ceiling of the house and fell into the brothers' room where the brothers were sleeping. The brothers woke up and tried to apprehend the victim but the victim fought back. During the struggle, the victim was killed.

        The brothers were mysteriously charged and convicted of murder.  Once upon a time, I was a law student and any criminal law student knows it is difficult to prove someone is guilty of murder. Basically, you have to prove the existence of mens rea (the intention) and the actus reus(the act) of murder. However the most difficult part is to prove that the accused is guilty beyond  reasonable doubt.

          The question is how on earth the prosecutor succeeded in proving intention to murder? Did the brothers before they sleep, had planned - if a burglar falls through our ceiling, we will kill him? If someone broke into your house, don't you have the right to defend yourself, your family and property? It doesn't mean you have the intention to kill.

           It sends a chilly precedent that if an intruder entered your house, you are at his mercy. You cannot defend yourself for fear not of losing your life but the life of the intruder. This is totally absurd.

           It is not surprising, there is a public outcry against the injustice towards the two brothers. I pray there will be a judicial review on this case and I sincerely hope they will be found innocent. PLEASE FREE THEM.

Sunday 21 October 2012


Assalamualaikum wrt,

Sedari kecil hingga sekarang bila saya mendengar ceramah daripada penceramah2 mengenai rumahtangga, fokus banyak kepada si isteri. Tanggungjawab isteri dan kesilapan2 yang dilakukan oleh isteri.Tetapi dari statistik yang didapati dari jabatan agama menyatakan penceraian semakin tingi dan majoriti puncanya adalah daripada pihak lelaki. Jadi mengapa fokus kepada isteri?

        Mungkin kalau fokus dilebihkan kepada suami, masalah ini dapat di atasi ataupun dikurangkan,

       Allah s.w.t telah melantik lelaki sebaai pemimpin sebuah keluarga, Ianya adalah suatu tanggungjawab besar bukannya suatu keistimewaan.

        Ramai lelaki sekarang ini menyerahkan tugas rumahtangga bulat2 di atas bahu si isteri. Dari mengajar Quran hinggalah menghantar anak ke sekolah. Bermakna tugas suami hanyalah pergi bekerja. Kadang2 tugas mencari nafkah pun jatuh kepada isteri. Mereka pulang terus membaca suratkhabar dan si isteri pula terpaksa bergelut dengan memasak dan menjaga anak2. Adakah itu sahaja tanggungjawab yang diberikan Allah kepada suami?  

        Suami adalah seumpama seorang pakar bedah.Isteri pula adalah jururawatnya. Seorang pakar bedah tentulah semasa pembedahan tidak boleh sama sekali berkata kepada jururawat,
         "Nurse,  awak ambil alihlah pembedahan ini. Saya nak baca suratkhabar je!"
 Matilah pesakitnya atau paling kurang pun, pesakit akan menjadi cacat. Begitulah dengan sebuah keluarga.

         Seorang bapa yang hebat akan melahirkan anak2 yang hebat.

        Cucu Rasulullah s.a.w, Hasan dan Husin adalah hebat kerana mereka mempunyai bapa yang sangat hebat iaitu Ali(r.a). Saya berpeluang berjumpa dengan bapa dan  adik Muhammad iaitu seorang hafiz pada usia yang muda. Begitu juga saya pernah berjumpa dengan bapa dan adik Adi Putra iaitu seorang genius matematik Saya dapat lihat dari riak wajah dan kata2 bapa Adi Putra betapa komitednya dia. Kejayaaan kedua2 anak ini adalah di dorong oleh semangat dan rasa tanggungjawab bapa2 mereka.

         Begitu juga Lee Chong Wei dan Tiger Woods. Kehebatan mereka dipupuk oleh bapa masing-masing. Jelas bapa memainkan peranan utama dalam kejayaan anak2 khasnya dan seluruh keluarga amnya.

         Akhir kalam...

         Ayah... jadilah nakhoda. Jangan biarkan kapal  tenggelam atau sesat di lautan yang luas ini. Kemudi lah kapal ini ke jalan yang benar dan sampai ke destinasi yang aman. 





Saturday 20 October 2012


May peace be upon you.

The monsoon season is here again. It has been raining like cats and dogs everyday. But I like rainy days. The air just feels so fresh and cool. I love to see the white mist surrounding the tropical forest near my house. When we were kids, my mother allowed us to play in the rain for hours. That was really fun.

         I know some of you do not like the rain much but you have to agree it was stifling hot when it didn't rain not to mention the haze that covered our nation for quite some time. Hooray for the rain! Thank you God.

          But then again I shouldn't be so ecstatic about the rain. I remembered when I was in secondary school (well that was a long time ago), my old friend said to me, "Ita, you might like the rain but to my old folks who are rubber tappers, rain means no income for us." I was totally humbled. Every time it rains, rubber tappers can't go to work. It must be an extremely difficult time for them.

           The monsoon season also brings flood especially to the East Coast. I experienced that when we were living in the state of Pahang. The flood rose up to to the roof. Every year we have flood in the east coast and every year we have fatalities due to drowning. Can't we do something about it? With all our modern technology, there should be less fatalities.

             We do have the monsoon festival in the state of Terengganu. I did visit it once. It was rain,rain, rain... but we did had fun.



Thursday 18 October 2012


Assalamualaikum w.r.t,

Saya tertarik untuk berkongsi tentang cerita seorang lelaki yang terperangkap dengan "demam emas" berpuluh tahun dahulu di Amerika. Dia pun pergi ke arah Barat untuk "gali dan jadi kaya". Dia  bekerja keras menggali dan mencari emas walaupun dalam keadaan hidup yang penuh dengan kesengsaraan.

          Akhirnya segala penat lelahnya dibalas. Dia berjaya berjumpa emas!. Tetapi dia perlukan mesin berat untuk mengeluarkan emas tersebut. Olehkerana kekurangan wang , dia telah meminta pertolongan daripada ahli keluarganya dan beberapa kawan2nya. Dengan wang pinjaman daripada mereka, dia dapat membeli jentera yang diperlukan untuk melombong emas itu.

           Dengan jentera tersebut, beberapa ketul emas dapat dikeluarkan dan dia telah dapat membayar hampir separuh hutangnya. Malang sekali tiba-tiba, tiada emas lagi di temui. Dia cuba lagi menggali beberapa kali tetapi gagal menemui apa2. Akhirnya dia mengaku kalah dan berputus asa.

            Dia pun menjual jenteranya kepada seorang penjual besi lama.. Kebanyakan penjual besi akan menjual semula jentera itu, tetapi penjual besi ini seorang yang bijak. Dia telah memanggil seorang pakar untuk mengkaji dan meneliti tanah tersebut. Pakar tersebut memberitahu bahawa memang terdapat simpanan emas besar di situ iaitu hanya 3 kaki sahaja dari tempat lelaki itu berhenti menggali!
             Penjual besi lama itu menjadi jutawan emas kerana dia meminta nasihat dari seorang pakar sebelum menyerah kalah. Pelombong emas yang malang itu telah belajar sesuatu yang penting... bahawa ilmu dan sikap tidak menyerah kalah adalah sangat penting dalam mengejar kejayaan. Dia juga akahirnya menjadi jutawan selepas melibatkan diri dalam perniagaan insurans. Dan dia tidak pernah lagi berputus asa.

Tuesday 16 October 2012


This is my rambutan tree. To all of you who live outside the realm of  tropical heaven, rambutan literally means hairy fruit. Sweet and juicy. They are still unripe. We have to wait for another month before they are fully ripe. Then the colour of the rambutan will turn to fiery red.

         My nextdoor neighbour, Mrs. S is more excited than I am about the rambutan fruits. Her sister who came all the way from Riyadh makes my rambutan tree looks like some kind of a tourist attraction.

          I  also planted a cocout tree in my back garden. My mom forced me to plant this. She kept nagging me until I, the ever 'filial' daughter, grabbed  the hoe and planted the coconut sapling. Lo and behold after  a year and a half the tree started to produce coconuts. The problem is, this is a super coconut tree. It yields around 30 to 50 coconuts at one time! And it never stops fruiting. Now who is going to drink and eat these fruits?

          At first I did give many of the fruits to my neighbours but after a while it has become too cumbersome. Do you know how heavy a coconut is and how difficult to open one? Now my mom kept nagging me to cut down the coconut tree...

Monday 15 October 2012

Assalamualaikum w.r.t. Anak lelaki saya baru pulang dari melawat rumah anak2 yatim di Paya Jaras. Dia pergi bersama-sama rombongan sekolahnya. Apa yang diceritakan kepada saya membuat airmata saya menitis...

      Salah seorang anak yatim itu mengajak kawan anak saya untuk tidur semalam di rumah tersebut. Kawan anak saya menjawab yang dia ada hal keesokan harinya. Seorang lagi anak yatim terus berkata,      
      "ala... mereka macam yang lain. Mereka tidak  akan datang lagi ke sini.."

       Sedihnya rasa hati mendengar kata2 begitu daripada mulut seorang anak yatim. Terasa sangat bersalah. Kita selalu memberi sedekah kepada rumah anak yatim. Tapi sebenarnya mereka bukan mengharap sangat duit yang kita derma. Mereka lebih menghargai kasih sayang yang boleh kita curahkan.
        Suatu peringatan terutama untuk saya. Pesanan daripada seorang pengerusi sebuah rumah anak yatim,
         "Janganlah pergi ke sana seperti melawat sebuah zoo."

Friday 12 October 2012


This is a tribute to my sister. Today is my sister's birthday. Her name is Kamariah Haroon. She is 66. She is my eldest sister. More than 10 years ago, my sister suffered a massive heart attack. She survived but it left her with some physical disabilities.
         My sister had led a hard life. When my father passed away leaving my mother and eleven of us, my sister just started work as a teacher. My mom was a housewife, hence my sister had to take upon herself the responsibility of being the sole bread winner of the family. I was only three and my youngest sister was only one year old.The others were still schooling. At such a young age and with such a meagre income my sister had to sacrifice and struggle to get by.
         Despite all the adversities, my sister managed to further her studies in one of the prestigious university in Malaysia. Studying yet at the same time working as a teacher. Once she said she had only 10 cents in her pocket because almost all her money was given to my mother. I could not imagine how she must had felt. She overcame this and succeeded with an honors degree. 
          She went on to become a successful secondary school principal until she retired at the age of 55. Not long after that, she had the heart attack. Eventhough, she is constantly in pain, she still has the energy and vivacity to carry on with life. I wish I could diminish her sufferings and I wish I could pay back her sacrifice. But I could only say "THANK YOU KAK PAH FOR EVERYTHING..." May God bless you forever. HAPPY BIRTHDAY.

Wednesday 10 October 2012


Dengan nama Allah yg Maha Pemurah dan Maha Penyayang.

  Hari ini saya nak cerita tentang cerita kawan saya. Dia tinggal bersebelahan sebuah keluarga bukan Islam yang mempunyai anakk2 remaja. Pada tiap2 hari Jumaat keika ibubapa tiada di rumah, anak2remaja ini akan membuka muzik terlampau kuat hingga dia tak dapat mendengar apa yang dia sendiri cakapkan di rumahny.Hari Jumaat sengaja dipilih kerana mereka tidak suka mendengar alunan ayat2 al Quran dari masjid yang berdekatan.  Reaksi pertamanya biasalah bagi orang yang marah ialah untuk pergi ke rumah jirannya dan memarahi remaja2 itu. tetapi dia tahu kalau ikut kemarahan selalunya hasilnya adalah lebih buruk. Mungkin dia akan bermusuhan pula dengan ibubapa jirannya. Hidup pula tak tenteram nanti sakit pulak. Dan dia sedar juga yang mungkin dia telah tidak memberi contoh seorang Muslim yang baik.

       Tiba2 dia teringat sepotong ayat al Quran yang bermaksud "Tolaklah kejahatan dengan kebaikan.Apabila engkau berlaku demikian maka orang yang menaruh permusuhan terhadapmu,dengan serta merta akan menjadi seolah2 sahabat yang setia." Surah Fussilat: ayat 34.

        Oleh itu dia mengambil keputusan untuk berbuat baik pada anak2 remaja ini. Pada tiap2 hari Jumaat, dia akan memasak ayam panggang dan memberinya kepada anak2 jirannya itu. Alhamdulillah, sejak hari pertama dia memberi ayam tersebut anak2 jirannya tidak lagi membuka muzik dengan kuat.Dan anak2 ini lebih bersikap mesra dengannya dibandingkan dengan masa dulu.

         Kadang2 saya harap sikap ini diterapkan kepada setiap orang Islam. Bila kita menghadapi konflik dengan sesiapapun Muslim atau tidak, kita perlulh bersabar dahulu. Kemudian fikir adakah tindakan yang kita akan ambil berdasarkan kemarahan atau yang di ajari Islam. InsyaAllah jika kita praktikkan ayat 34 Al Fussilat bukan sahaja negara kita lebih aman malah dunia pun...

Saturday 6 October 2012


In the name of God the Benificient the Most Merciful.

 I was in a discussion with a few friends when we asked a friend who was so quiet to give her opinion. She said she didn't have any and said she's not that clever. That answer prompted me to tell her a story about a Professor and an old boatman. One day a prominent professor went to a jungle to do some scientific research. He had to cross a river and therefore had to hire a boatman. During the ride, the professor asked the old boatman,                                                                                                                'Old man! Do you know how to read?'
              The boatman said,'No, Sir...'
               'Arghhh... do you know, if you do not know how to read, half of your life is wasted' said the
               Professor arrogantly. The poor boatman kept quiet.

               'If you do not know how to read, I assume you do not know how to write. There goes half of
               of your life old man! You know, I have written so many books. It's a pity that you couldn't
               read any of them.' boasted the professor.

               The old boatman just kept quiet.

Suddenly, in the middle of the river the boat started to sink. The professor was panicky but the boatman was calm. The boatman asked the professor a significant question,
                'Sir, do you know how to swim?'

                'No, I definitely do not know how...' said the scared to death professor.

                'Then sir, ALL YOUR LIFE IS WASTED AND GONE NOW!' said the old boat man.

 The story teaches us that actually nobody is cleverer than anybody. Einstein is not absolutely cleverer than a sweeper on the street. There may be things that the sweeper knows better than him. Just keep this in mind when you're speaking to a cleaner or a professor...