Wednesday 28 November 2012


May peace be upon you.

My youngest son had just been circumcised. He was very brave. He didn't even shed a tear. I just realized that that is the end of the circumcision saga of my children. Phew! Alhamdulillah, that is a relief.

       Bringing up my children felt like a long endless marathon. Sometimes you need to speed up your running but sometimes you need to slow down. Just to catch a breather.

        I had my first and my second babies in England. That was hard. My family wasn't there to help me, my mom wasn't there to nag me what to do.

        It was harder with the first baby. I broke my leg when I was 8 months pregnant! I slipped and fell. My husband rushed me to the hospital and this nurse accidentally stepped on my injured leg. That really hurts...  I spent the rest of my pregnancy with a big cast on my leg. Fortunately, one week before the baby was due the cast was off. Thinking about it now, it was funny. But it wasn't then. Just imagine a pregnant woman with her huge belly and a monstrous bright orange cast.

       I'm grateful that all my babies turn out alright even though all of them had asthma. It was an arduous journey but a meaningful and enjoyable one. But there is still a long journey ahead of us...  

Tuesday 20 November 2012


May peace be upon you.

I met a lady,one day while waiting for a taxi..I told her there are not many taxis around here. The bus comes when the bus driver felt like it. She then sat next to me and told me her story. I don't know why she told me, a total stranger but I guess she needed  somebody to talk to.

       She just been to the Municipal Council Hq to make an appeal. Apparently her illegal stall was torn down by the authority. She is a single mother with 5 children, Only one was working as a factory operator, the rest were still schooling. She had no house and therefore forced to live with her mother in a 2 bedroom flat in a low cost housing area.She and her 5 children had to cramp in with three other members of the family in the small unit.

       The stall was her life line to feed her children. I asked her why didn't she ask for help from her ex husband. When she answered I knew then she was a good person. Instead of bad mouthing her ex, she just said he was married and also in dire straits.

       From her story I know she will never give up. She will sail through the storm and come out a survivor and a winner. She didn't blame anyone for her misfortunes but instead focus on getting back on her feet and move on. Her story inspired me. I feel so grateful to God for giving me this good life. Alhamduleelah...



May peace be upon you.

It's the school holiday again!? Why do I have this sense of dejavu. Oh... I've been through this again and again... It's the time when you do not have much time for yourself. You wreck your brain thinking what to do to fill the children's time before they started thinking of creative stunts that could cause havoc and chaos like the time when my 9 year old son secretly went to the nearby condo pool and swam naked at 11.30pm! I almost had a heart attack.

         And I still remember when my other young son threw a cat in the monsoon drain during the monsoon season! The drain was full to the brim.  I shrieked in horror, my husband frantically tried to save the cat, while my son coolly said,"It's okay mom, the cat can swim."

          Now four of them are teenagers and I face a different type of creative stunts. So always be prepared for the inevitable.

Sunday 11 November 2012

Saturday 10 November 2012


Assalamualaikum wrt,

Saya mengenali seorang yang suka menyalahkan orang lain. J, menyalahkan segala kegagalan dirinya  terhadap orang lain. Orang lain yang menyebabkan dia memilih kursus yang  salah dan bosnya yang salah kerana memecat dia. Yang sebenarnya dia yang datang kerja hampir tiap2 hari lewat. Dia menyalahkan keluarganya kerana dia tidak berjaya dalam hidup. Akhirnya, dalam umur 40 an dia masih tidak bekerja dan tidak berkahwin. Duit simpanannya makin habis. Dia masih menyalahkan orang lain.

       Sebenarnya menyalahkan orang ni bukan dialami oleh J tetapi ramai orang masih bersikap begini. Termasuklah saya. Ini adalah satu sikap saya, yang paling saya tak suka. Mungkin saya tak se extreme si mamat J ni tapi ia masih tak elok. Contoh  bila saya kehilangan kunci, saya terus menyalahkan anak2 atau suami saya. Hakikatnya saya yang menghilangkannya.

       Apabila kita asyik menyalahkan orang lain, kita tidak dapat menyelesaikan masalah yang kita hadapi. Contoh seperti kunci yang hilang itu. Kalau kita salahkan orang lain kita pasti tidak dapat menjumpai kunci itu. Tetapi kalau kita salahkan diri kita, baharulah kita akan cuba mengingati bila dan di mana kita letakkan kunci itu. Kemudian carilah di atas, tengah ,bawah, sebelah kiri dan kanan dan akhir sekali di belakang. Jumpalah kunci itu!

        Kehilangan kunci ini cuma contoh kecil. Dalam masalah yang besar juga sama. Kenapa aku masih tak kaya, kenapa aku tak bahagia, kenapa aku gagal dalam peperiksaan dan sebagainya.  SALAHKAN DIRI KITA APABILA BERLAKU KESILAPAN ATAU KESALAHAN. Barulah kita dapat 'KUNCI' untuk atasi apa jua masalah.





Thursday 8 November 2012


May peace be upon you.

It has been quite sometime since I wrote in my blog. Just that so many things happened at almost the same time. My son is sitting for his big exam and my two little kittens died. It is really hard to deal with any death. But one kitten did survive and we're looking after him like a prince. There is always hope.

         Anyway, I just want to share a story with you. Not about kittens though...

          Maybe we can learn something from the story.

           A CEO from a large company visited one of his of branch office. He entered the office and started to check on the progress of the workers one by one. He saw everyone was working really hard except for one. This particular worker was sitting behind his desk and not doing anything except whistling.

            He went to the worker and angrily asked why he was no working like the rest. The worker stared at him and didn't say anything. But still the worker did not start to do any work.

             This made the CEO furious. He said, "How much are you being paid?"

              The worker looked startled but answered,"$1 000 sir."

              "You're fired! We do not have a place for a loser like you." shouted the CEO.The CEO then continued to call the accounts officer to prepare a check for $4 000 for 4 months wages to be paid to the worker.

              The worker looked confused but accepted the payment. When he walked out the door, to the CEO amazement he started to whistle happily again. Then the CEO felt something was just not right.

               "Who is that?" he finally asked.

               "He is the dispatch rider, sir. He came to send some documents."